There are two types of people in this word: note takers and note fakers. The note takers are the responsible ones, a motivated bunch, the difference makers. The note fakers are the hooligans who sit in class with their notebooks open drawing their signature over and over and, oh ya, this:
I was one of these assholes. A leach on the hard-working asses of the motivated. I could never respect the classmates who wouldn’t just give me the fucking notes. Until now.
Chet Porter expertly waited a year to respond to Leah’s request for his notes and I’ll let him take it from here…
Brilliant. I’ve lived a full, complete day if you stop there, Chet. Oh you aren’t done? Let me get some popcorn.
Better late than never!
Leah I think the answer to number six is “Exasperated Duck”. Not entirely sure though.
Thank you, Chet for making our lives just a little bit better. But if I ask for the History notes you better fucking cough them up or your ass will be in a locker by sixth period.