That right there is a pretty sweet bomber jacket by Ralph Lauren. Retailing for $3,500, not only will it up your outerwear game considerably, it will get those ladies who had no interest in having sex with you to begin having an interest in having sex with you.
Yea. At least, so says Esquire Magazine.
Put on Ralph Lauren Black Label’s leather flight jacket and watch your friend zone shackles miraculously disappear.
That’s quoted from an unfortunately misguided piece called “The Do’s and Don’t of Dressing to Get Out of the Friend Zone.”
In it, Esquire advocates that a few well-considered style tips are all you need to woo that friend of yours you’ve been longing after.
What is the hot advice the men’s mag has?
A $350 chambray shirt, a $485 shaving kit, a $90 bottle of cologne, a $210 pair of jeans, the aforementioned $3,500 bomber jacket, $150 boots and $575 shades.
Or you know, $5,500.
And some helpful ideas, like adding color to your wardrobe.
Remember, you want her thinking about you differently the next day. Same colors, same thought. Different color, different thoughts.
Yea, dude. Duh. And when she reaches for those sick shades you’ve got on? Fuck city.
Wear your edgiest shades when you meet her, and when she asks to try them on know that she’s starting to come around to you.
Look, there obviously is some truth here. Some. If you are attracted and interested in a person, you probably want to look your best for them. So don’t rock some mesh shorts to go tell your crush you love her.
Just don’t think a fucking sweater from J. Crew is the key to making a successful move.
But that bomber jacket? That might work. Bomber jackets are fucking sweet.