Check Out These INSANE Instagram Pics Of Facebook’s New Headquarters In California

Facebook’s office digs are the stuff of legend in the tech world. That’s what happens when you have billions and billions of dollars in tech money. Like Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, Mark Zuckerberg’s brand new office space in Silicon Valley is massive and cooler than thou.

The ‘Book just moved into its new building in Menlo Park. Here’s Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement on Facebook:

Today we moved into our new Facebook building in Menlo Park, California.

Our goal was to create the perfect engineering space for our teams to work together. We wanted our space to create the same sense of community and connection among our teams that we try to enable with our services across the world.

To do this, we designed the largest open floor plan in the world — a single room that fits thousands of people. There are lots of small spaces where people can work together, and it’s easy for people to move around and collaborate with anyone here. On the roof is a 9-acre park with walking trails and many outdoor spaces to sit and work.

The building itself is pretty simple and isn’t fancy. That’s on purpose. We want our space to feel like a work in progress. When you enter our buildings, we want you to feel how much left there is to be done in our mission to connect the world.

I’ll share more photos and stories about this building once we’re fully unpacked, but for now here’s one taken flying over the green roof.

A few Instagrammers got a look on at the new HQ. Below are a bunch of pics from Mark Zuckerberg’s social media fantasy factory. I want to have meetings in a conference room filled with balls.

Check out this view from the top of the building:

Here’s what the open office floor plan looks like:

Blows my mind this is a place people go to work. What a crazy world we live in.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: