Shit-talking stakes are high when it comes to online gaming, everybody knows that. Because what better way to live out your days than being a caustic asshole to someone you’ve never met behind the shroud of a gamertag while sitting on your couch for endless hours staring at a virtual sports arena that actually does for your body the complete opposite of what real sports do!? Right.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all for some ol’ fashion words of rivalry amongst friends when it comes to the FIFA 16 pitch…but some people take it so far it’s actually disturbing.
Case and point, whatever opponent Elliot Hackney of London got the best of with not one, but TWO, 90th minute goals to seal a win in a recent online match. There’s angry voicemails…and then…there’s this…
Ummm…you mad, bro? Who is this guy, a descendant of Jack The Ripper? Slashin’ people up because he can’t hold his own in A VIDEO GAME. Goddamn. I mean, that was a grown ass man on the other side of the voicemail. Just out here, issuing idle threats, because FUCK SUAREZ WHY CAN’T YOU EVER KEEP A HEADER DOWN!!!!?
What a time. To be alive.
@Ben_Rowley56 Grown man.
— Elliot Hackney (@ElliotHackney) March 20, 2016
Hackney spoke with Mashable about his digital encounter with the total soccerpath, and of course it was as funny as you’d imagine.
“I was losing 2-1 and this guy had been speaking down the microphone all game,” Hackney explained. “Just along the lines of ‘yeahhh have that’ and ‘tell your mum how crap you are’.”
“Then I scored 2 very late goals in the 90th minute to win 3-2, so I grabbed my headphones and laughed hysterically down them.”
The rest is history.
Hackney told Mashable he’s since sent the man a reply.
“I sent him one back saying grow up and to check my Twitter because he’s gone viral,” Hackney said.
“Haven’t had a response yet though.”
Tough guy quiet now, huh? Figures. Keep schooling them out there, Elliot.
[H/T Mashable]