This Video Perfectly Describes Every Single 20-Something Finance Bro In New York City

A few weeks ago I told you about Millennials Of New York, one of the best parody pages on Facebook. It’s a brilliant satirization of the Humans Of New York Facebook page, except with a distinct NYC spin about how obnoxiously passionate millennials are about SoulCycle, Whole Foods, and pursuing their dream of being a club DJ.

Today they released a video making fun of the thousands and thousands of 20-something finance Bros who call New York City home. If you know someone who took the Series 7 under the age of 30, there’s a good chance they (a. love reminiscing about their NESCAC lacrosse days on the Barclays trading floor (after 4pm, of course) AND (b. consider themselves a platinum member at the 33rd street Rick’s Cabaret.

The white board in this shot says it. The only thing they forgot to add is frequently happy hours at the Joshua Tree:

It’s so true how much finance Bros love vest. They also forgot fraternity-esque eating challenges at the office. If you read Dealbreaker enough, you know that the eating challenge from Billions happens all the time at hedge funds/investment banks.

Just think — these savages are managing billions and billions of dollars worth of 401ks and pension plans for the losers in middle America! Hot damn this city is great.

Reminds me of our old boy Bert The Broker. It really is too bad he had a boating injury in Montuak a couple summers ago while zooted out on Bolivian. He was lucky his dad had good lawyers. Pretty sure he’s destine for a comeback after a couple years in rehab.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: