I’m currently re-reading ‘A Dance With Dragons’ by George RR Martin, the most recent ‘Game of Thrones’ book, and the book that the upcoming season on HBO is most likely to be based upon.
The reason that I’m re-reading the book is that when the new season of ‘Game of Thrones’ comes out I’ll be able to bring you weekly recaps (GIF’s and all!), without botching any of the minor details that the fanboys of the world love to pounce on. All this reading and re-reading has flames dancing in my eyes, I want a dragon of my own dammit! But I’m a realist, I know that I cannot have a dragon of my own unless I’m wedded to Emilia Clarke, who is in possession of the only 3 dragons in the world.
So what’s the next best thing? Fire breathing, obvi.
The ‘Slow Mo Guys’ put together this video of breathing Corn Starch, because they claim it’s safer than kerosine, but it also works well to create a fireball. As they go on to explain, just about any substance that’s in powder form is flammable.
Do not try this at home, just watch these GIFs:
Is it weird that this song’s been stuck in my head now for over thirty minutes?
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