The name of that anime McDonald’s ad is called “future me” and it’s a recruitment video to work at the Golden Arches and it looks WAY more exciting than the American restaurants. Every is anime! I bet they could eat 100 Big Macs and never gain a pound.
Speaking of gaining a couple pounds, not long after this ad aired, McDonald’s in Japan introduced the Giga Big Mac — a burger that promises “2.8 times more meat” and probably 5X as much indigestion.
So how’s the Giga Big different than the American Big? While the Big Mac in the United States only consists of two beef patties, the Giga Big Mac will have four. It’s taller and wider in diameter than the regular Big Mac and so will to be the people who eat too many. Well, maybe not taller, but most def wider. To get even more American, McDonald’s Japan is also rolling out “grand size” add-ons with drinks “twice as large as the original and 1.7 times more fries.”
[via HypeBeast]