Genius Girl Scout Makes Bank By Setting Up Shop Selling Cookies Outside A Pot Dispensary

When it comes to the cutthroat world of selling Girl Scout cookies one girl stands tall after pulling the ultimate power move by setting up shop outside a pot dispensary.

Genius, right? Hold on, it gets even better.

Not only did she set up shop in the heart of munchie-ville, she even got the dispensary to help her out by offering a special deal on their “Girl Scout Cookies” strain of pot if customers showed up with a box of the cookies in hand.

So what did the Girl Scout organization have to say about this brilliant move? They weren’t thrilled, but according to the girl’s aunt who accompanied her on this adventure…

“The Girl Scouts organization said they don’t condone this, but it’s not against the rules,” she told KATU.

The girl’s goal was to sell 35 boxes of cookies so she could make enough money to attend horse camp this summer. Needless to say, mission accomplished.

“It seems like people are happy we’re here,” said the aunt.

I have zero doubt that they were.

[KATU, Huffington Post]

Girl Scout cookies image by Shutterstock

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Douglas Charles is a Senior Editor for BroBible with two decades of expertise writing about sports, science, and pop culture with a particular focus on the weird news and events that capture the internet's attention. He is a graduate from the University of Iowa.