Some girls are cool with their man going to strip clubs. Some girls are cool with their man going to strip clubs as long as they can go too. And some girls say they are cool with their man going to strip clubs as long as they can go too but they really aren’t and want to pretend to be the “fun girlfriend.” Apparently, this chick falls in the latter category.
In the tamest strip club ever, this exotic dancer is wearing a t-shirt (Dafuq?) and bikini bottoms that are not a thong (Dafuq?). Seems like a relatively humdrum night if you ask me. She instructs a man to sit down on a chair. She then begins to slither in front of him seductively. Right when she is about to lift off her not sexy at all t-shirt, out of nowhere comes his girlfriend flying out of nowhere!
She shoves the stripper to the ground, then grabs her boyfriend and yanks him off the stage.
Poor fuck didn’t even get the actual lap dance. Just some innocent dancing infront of him in a bikini.
Like what did the girlfriend think was going to happen when her man went on stage at a strip club? That the stripper would bake him a bundt cake and they would eat it with some chamomile tea as they discussed the global impact of the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
Miss, you seem to have dropped something when you went on a jealous war path. I believe it was your self-esteem and your security in your relationship.