You guys, it’s 2016, so you would think that we would be way beyond ignorant, racist, bigoted behavior that involves demeaning other people, right? Someone better remind a group of Michigan high school students, because they had a video go viral that shows them offending African Americans and laughing at the thought of bringing back slavery.
The video is of a group of Grosse Pointe South High School who are talking about what they would do if elected president in 2040, either unknowingly or uncaring of who might have seen it.
Given the racist nature of the remarks in the video, a Grosse Pointe South High School Superintendent responded with this via Twitter:
Grosse Pointe Schools Superintendent addresses racist video made by students. This is 4th incident now. @Fox2News
— Erika Erickson (@ErikaEricksontv) June 2, 2016
Additionally, via WXYZ in Detroit, the school released this statement in regards to how they plan on dealing with the situation:
A letter was sent out to parents of students, alerting them to the racist video making the rounds on social media.
The school district called it deplorable.
Officials from Grosse Pointe Schools say the three students received suspensions or separations. One of the students, we’re told, was under the influence of alcohol at the time the video was recorded.
Unfortunately, this is the second racist incident at Grosse Pointe in the past several months, as a group of girls were seen with a derogatory word written across their stomachs.