Several questions come to mind when I see this house up for sale that is filled to the brim with freaky as hell clown paraphernalia.
1. Why?
2. Who in their right mind could possibly want to live with all of these clowns?
3. Who on earth would ever buy this house after seeing all of these clowns? It’d be like living in the capital of Nightmare City.
And 4. WHY?!
I mean, from the outside you would never know that this home is a house of clown horrors…

It’s not until you see the photos from the inside of the home that the nightmares truly begin.
Reports Metro…
The description of the property said: ‘Charming brick bungalow on quiet street close to schools and parks. Cozy and gently lived in. Meticulously maintained. Detached cedar garage and shed with lots of parking and well kept lawn. Same owners for over 30 years.’
And from that description, you would be forgiven for thinking the interior would resemble any other house on the market.
That is until you click through the images and the living room pops up.

And there they are, almost 100 clown dolls staring back at you. Some sitting down, some standing up, some on shelves and countless crammed into a cabinet.
Oh, and there are some (lots of) rogue clowns in the bedroom too.

So, uh, yeah… if you feel like moving into a new home where your nightmares will look something like this…
Then this is most definitely the home for you.
H/T Metro
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