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This is one of the stupidest, yet most infuriating videos that I’ve ever seen. Meet Tanis Llyod Ukena out of Layton, Utah. Tanis (sorry about the name) allegedly had the genius of spiking the drink of a police sergeant who came into the Subway that Tanis was working at. According to Fox 59,
“Authorities said the sergeant stopped by the Subway restaurant on Highway 193 for lunch Monday.
When he took a sip of his drink he tasted chemicals and said he knew something was wrong.
The officer said he came to a red light on his way back to the station and his body wouldn’t let him hit the brake, according to KSTU.
He made it safely back to the station and was taken to the hospital.
Authorities said the man’s drink tested positive for marijuana, THC and methamphetamine.”
After the sergeant was brought to the hospital, investigators returned to the Subway to finds answers. The investigators watched the surveillance video where they saw Tanis tampering with the sergeants drink. First of all, how can you spike something with marijuana and THC? I’m genuinely curious. What was Tanis on that made him think spiking the drink at a restaurant that he works at was a good idea? I hope this little shit gets the serious jail time he deserves because there is obviously something wrong with him. Parents, let this be a warning of what will happen if you name your son Tanis.
[H/T Fox59]