I have nothing buy respect for the Boy Scouts Of America even though it was never my cup of tea growing up. That said, I knew quite a bit of Boy Scouts in high school and they were always doing crazy shit like this. The dudes I was friends with had this ridiculous ritual where they’d melt candle wax into a coffee can in a bon fire on camp outs then spit into the can, causing it erupt into a massive fireball. Crazy motherfuckers were burning their eyebrows off their faces and laughing about it the whole time.
Anyway, here’s a video of a Boy Scout Scoutmaster downing 23 ghost peppers for YouTube views. I’m not sure what this has to do with the Scout Oath or being “physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight,” but I guess self-induced pain teaches a man something, right? At least that’s what my takeaway was from the prep scenes in Rambo: First Blood.