This 9-Year-Old Kid Is Making $1 MILLION A Year Just By Opening Toys On YouTube

When I was 9 years old, I made money by running a lemonade stand with my younger brother and sister. I think we started at a quarter for a cup of Country Time lemonade, then raised prices to 50-cents when we realized how little money we were making on the whole three-way split thing. Sometimes we’d wash our neighbors cars, sometimes we’d do random yard work like raking leaves or shovel snow. You know, the “usual” ways of making money when you’re a kid and “work” is doing the random day-to-day things no one wants to do.

But these days, kids are making money by embracing their cuteness for the Internet. YouTuber EvanTubeHD is nine years old and making — wait for it — a MILLION dollars A YEAR just by reviewing toys on YouTube. He basically just unboxes toys and describes them for his audience, which is in the tens of millions. Kids using their parents iPhones and tablets eat it up, too. He has over a billion views.

This kid is winning on all fronts. Not only getting all the latest toys for free (since I assume all the big toy companies want him to review their products so kids can nag their parents about a trip to Toys-R-Us), he’s stashing away millions of dollars a year. That’s going to be an incredible fortune by the time he realizes (and wants to start using) that money. In the meantime, he must have storage unit after storage unit stashed with the dopest toys on the planet. What a childhood.

YouTube. Where the American Dream in 2015 happens. Business Insider made an incredible video documentary about him. You gotta watch it:

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: