When you think of puppies, what do you think of?
Maybe this?
[protected-iframe id=”b847b91d9e936cc4a7810a39be030d72-97886205-93291949″ info=”//giphy.com/embed/Dkd9d0Qn9ZoAw” width=”480″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ class=”giphy-embed” allowfullscreen=””]
Maybe these adorable pups.
[protected-iframe id=”a6fc265ffa6e604c17a18363e79c2a96-97886205-93291949″ info=”//giphy.com/embed/1Sa05RVertjNe” width=”480″ height=”269″ frameborder=”0″ class=”giphy-embed” allowfullscreen=””]
Maybe these clumsy fucks.
[protected-iframe id=”5a29e3b48f6d33f63c814ad984c863ae-97886205-93291949″ info=”//giphy.com/embed/DdotCCeucTHmU” width=”480″ height=”366″ frameborder=”0″ class=”giphy-embed” allowfullscreen=””]
Or perhaps these handsome devils.
[protected-iframe id=”fa6ab02c12b9f211a3f64053a1ab8317-97886205-93291949″ info=”//giphy.com/embed/DhnSIHPkuXgFa” width=”480″ height=”267″ frameborder=”0″ class=”giphy-embed” allowfullscreen=””]
Well, the puppies in this video aren’t your typical puppies. They are larger than life. Quite literally. That’s because they are the offspring of Hulk the pitbull. Remember Hulk the pitbull? How could you forget? At only 17-months-old Hulk tipped the scales at 173-pounds, making him the largest pitbull in the world. Hulk has been getting his fuck on and making baby Hulks! But there’s nothing baby about these dogs because they are GINORMOUS!
In less than a year these beasts have grown to unbelievable sizes and their owner struggles to hoist them up in the video.
Hulk’s owners are Marlon and Lisa Grennan, founders of Dark Dynasty K9. Their company in New Hampshire breeds and trains elite protection dogs. It is believed that Hulk’s offspring will sell for an astonishing $25,000.
Congratulations to the proud papa!