One Of The World’s Leading UFO Experts Died After Vomiting A Black Fluid And The Conspiracy Theories Are NUTS

You probably aren’t familiar with the work of Max Spiers unless you frequent UFO and conspiracy theory forums. But the British 39-year-old’s mysterious death is causing all kinds of wild theories after he sent his mother a wild text speculating that something wasn’t right a few days before his death. via The Independent:

Max Spiers, a British Ufologist and conspiracy theorist, sent his mother a text message days before his death earlier this year saying: “If anything happens to me, investigate.”

Spiers, 39, originally from Canterbury, was found dead in Warsaw in June.

Vanessa Bates, an English teacher, said: “He was making a name for himself in the world of conspiracy theorists and had been invited to speak at a conference in Poland in July.

“He was staying with a woman who he had not known for long and she told me how she found him dead on the sofa.

“But I think Max had been digging in some dark places and I fear that somebody wanted him dead.”

Over at Project Camelot, the wheels of a full-out conspiracy theory are in motion:


Both the doctor who examined Max and Police who came to the villa… Left the body behind in spite of the fact that they believed Max had died.  What kind of officials do this?  The entire circumstances are suspicious and I urge everyone to encourage Monica to release the details about what really happened to the public and call for an autopsy.

There is another interview with Max Spiers that was conducted in person by Alesander.  It contains very clear indication that Max Spiers was being attacked and sick from the time he returned from Cyprus.

UPDATE:  Alesander has now released this LAST VIDEO interview with Max Spiers:

And the New York Post takes it one step further with a conversation with his mother, Vanessa Bates:

“All I have is a death certificate from the Polish authorities that it was from natural causes, but no post-mortem was done so how can they tell that? They are also refusing to release any paperwork about it to me because, absurdly, I don’t have his written permission.”

Spiers was buried in a Canterbury cemetery after his mother arranged to have his body flown home a week after his death.

A post-mortem examination was carried out by a pathologist in east Kent, but Bates says that more than two months later she still does not know the result, or whether there will be an investigation.

She added: “Apparently, he had not suffered any obvious physical injuries but he could have been slowly poisoned, which is why the results of toxicology tests from his post-mortem are so important.”


Wild stuff.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: