Lark Voohries, the actress who played Lisa Turtle in Saved By The Bell, married convicted felon Jimmy Green earlier this year. To shed a little light on Green’s character, reports surfaced that the 31-year-old tried to return a broken cellphone to a store in order to get a new one. When an employee told him he would have to go to a different location, Green became enraged “and told her that if she did not give him a replacement phone he was going to kill her” before humming the phone against the wall, according to Radar Online.
And according to Lisa Turtle, his dick smells like corn chips. did the same song and dance that every celebrity does when they fuck up–blame someone else.
Come on, Lisa. You think we’re buying that bullshit? This was 100% you. You know how I know? Because you’re the only person on the planet who considers yourself an amazing author and the only one who would call your upcoming album “highly anticipated.”
No one in their right mind would breach your trust by hacking into your social media account to make extremely specific allegations about your husband’s dick smelling like Fritos before doing you a solid and plugging your shitty album. That’s like breaking into your house, stealing your TV, and making the bed before you leave. Belding may be naive enough to buy it, but not me, sweetheart. Not me.
Should’ve stayed with Screech.
Ok, nevermind. You’d probably be dead by now.
[h/t Entertainment Tonight]