CBS Boston
We’ve all known a few bitter people over the years, but this story takes things a whole other level.
A man named Abu Masa in South Boston hates 7-Eleven so much that in an effort to put one of their stores out of business he opened up a store called 6-Twelve right across the street.
Why does Mr. Masa hate 7-Eleven with such a passion? It has something to do with those wrinkly old hot dogs, according to CBS Boston…
Abu Musa once owned the 7-Eleven franchise across the street but got mad over the parent company’s practices.
Musa says he wanted to pull the hot food from his 7-Eleven because it didn’t sell, but the company wouldn’t let him.
He eventually lost his franchise and settled out of court for an undisclosed amount of money.
That’s right, for some reason those inedible hot dogs, taquitos and pizzas weren’t flying off the shelves. Go figure. Masa told the Boston Globe that there were days where hundreds of dollars worth of food was just thrown in the dumpster.
So he said eff it and opened his 6-Twelve right across the street from his old store and a lot of his old customers have followed him there.
“When I learned the story behind it, that he got cut from the 7-Eleven roster and started his own team, I thought it was the greatest thing I’ve ever heard — a gang fight over Ho Hos and lukewarm coffee,” customer Brian Donovan told the Globe.
Masa isn’t messing around either. “My goal is to get them to close,” says Musa.
As for how he plans on putting that 7-Eleven out of business? “I know the price of everything in that store, so I sell the same things cheaper,” he says.
So petty, yet so inspired. Love it.
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H/T Huffington Post
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