MegaBots Tested Out The Weapons On Their Giant Deadly Robot And It Looks Like We’re Going to Whoop Japan’s Ass

The greatest robot fight the world has ever seen will take place between MegaBots representing Team USA and some Japanese robotics builder that doesn’t matter because Uncle Sam is going to lay the smack down. I’ve covered the upcoming deadly robots battle pretty exhaustively here on BroBible, dating back to when MegaBots first laid down the challenge and Japan accepted.

The MegaBots, Inc. team of roboticists have been hard at work over the past year and a half building the most advanced and deadly robot the world has ever seen. The range of motion is simply unprecedented, and MegaBots is almost certain to wipe the floor with Japan’s presumably inferior robot, but that doesn’t mean Team USA can go into this battle without preparing. To bring their robot up to battle speed, MegaBots has built a replica of the Japanese robot (weapons and all) to test the battle prowess of Team USA’s gigantic deadly robot.

I think it goes without saying but I’ll put it out there anyways: there’s ZERO shot in hell Japan wins this deadly robot battle because the roboticists of MegaBots have built the greatest fighting robot the world has ever seen. I genuinely could not be any more erect right now after watching our American robot wreck shit, and if this priapism lasts any longer I’ll need to consult a doctor.

[via MegaBots, Inc.]

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at