Willie Tatum III is having quite the week. First, after a four-hour stand-off with police and the SWAT team, Tatum was arrested and posed for a mugshot that would make Ol’ Dirty Bastard proud.
The whole incident was one big misunderstanding, according to Tatum, and we know this because after his mugshot was posted to the official Facebook page of the Columbus Division of Police, Tatum posted a comment about the situation.
“How do I break in my mom’s house with a key? When I tried to show the police my key, they pulled guns on me and my brother so we stayed inside. The charge changed 3 different times while inside. SWAT for a ‘dv’? Come on now!”
I hope he hit LIKE too.
The cops took down the comment but left the picture up for all to enjoy. Slightly unfair but I’m not going to argue fairness. I just hope Tatum gets his day in court to explain his side of the story. I also hope someone live tweets the proceedings.
H/T Uproxx