Starting on November 11, 2004, Chris Hansen began catching creepy pedophiles and sharing the kid touchers’ arrests and misery on the fantastic television show To Catch A Predator for our entertainment. Then there were claims by some pedo-loving individuals that Catch A Predator was entrapment. Eventually, TCAP‘s success became their downfall. The show became so massively popular that pervs got savvy to the trap of 14-year-old girls who strangely want to party with 58-year-old unemployed losers still living in their parents’ basement. The show was canceled on December 28, 2007. But just like a goddamn Phoenix rising from the ashes, Chris motherfucking Hansen is back bitches!!!
A campaign on Kickstarter raised nearly $90,000 for the new version of the pedo-snatching show called Hansen vs. Predator!
A more up-to-date To Catch A Predator for a new generation of kid touchers. Hansen told Mental Floss what’s different in the new show versus the original:
In discussing the ways in which Hansen vs. Predator will differ from To Catch a Predator, Hansen said that, “We would change the way that we communicate with predators, because there are so many more ways to communicate online than there were when we began. When we began, we used chatrooms on AOL and Yahoo! and nowadays, we have dozens and dozens of ways to communicate. Technology has improved—for everything from the cameras to the microphones. It’s a whole ‘nother playing field now. And we also have means to find out more about these people before they actually show up. I think it’s going to be a more sophisticated program. Because we’ll have more space to tell the story.”
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Have a seat, pop open a cold Mike’s Hard Lemonade, and enjoy this sizzle reel for the new Hansen vs. Predator.
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