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I think I can speak for everyone when I say that being raped is the least appetizing aspect of prison. And that’s saying something considering they feed you edible dog shit and lock you in a small cage with a bed that likely feels like you’re sleeping on a bus stop bench. I bet the toilet paper is one ply too, which is simply criminal in itself.
Well, as Oscar Pistorius awaits a sentencing trial on July 6th that could send him to prison for 15 years for murdering his model girlfriend, a new stressor has been added to the mix: threats to arrange for the athlete to be ‘gang raped’ in prison.
According to Mirror,
In the latest chilling message it is claimed an unnamed man sent a WhatsAppmessage to the 29-year-old’s cousin last week.
The man apparently contacted Oscar’s cousin, Arnoldus Pistorius, saying he had been in court.
The anonymous person requested money in exchange for evidence that the prosecutor had paid a prison nurse who testified against Pistorius that he was aggressive towards her.
When the cousin did not reply, the man wrote again, warning: “When Oscar returns to jail I will ensure that he is gang raped also he will suffer and I will have my man beat him properly. Your children will be murdered as well.”
Arnoldus Pistorius said that he and other cousins had been getting death threats, and the family has stepped up security at their homes.
These threats must be sending Pistorius into a darker place than he already is, as he’s reportedly been sobbing for most of the trial and in a last ditch effort to garner empathy from the jury, he walked around the courtroom on his stubs.
After Pistorius was first released from prison in October last year, he told friend Kevin Lerena of the nightmares of prison life.
He said the athlete told him in an emotional phone call: “I don’t want to go back to jail. It’s a terrible place, so disgusting you can’t imagine.”
“He has been left so down and broken by just one year inside, I don’t even want to think about what is going to happen to him if he goes back for any longer. (via)
Lesson learned: Don’t kill your girlfriend and use the excuse that you thought she was intruder taking a dump in your bathroom and you won’t be treated like a piece of prison meat. If you can’t follow those simple life guidelines, then I’m sorry bro, you made your bed. Now you’re going to get fucked in it.
[h/t Mirror]