Pennsylvania Finally Catches Up With The Rest Of America, Legalizes Selling Six-Packs Of Beer At Gas Stations

Pennsylvania’s liquor laws are joke. They’re not just a joke to residents in state, they’re a joke to out-of-state residents who visit PA and find out they have to hunt down speciality six pack stores (usually attached to bars) if they want to grab a sixer of cold beers before a game or going into the woods for a few days. There’s been so much demand to change the liquor laws in the state for so long that it feels like a long con by PA politicans. A rep for very, very big liquor company once told me that technically, on paper, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is the biggest buyer of liquor in the world thanks to Harrisburg’s state-run liquor store system. If you like capitalism and independent business, think about how messed up that is. A government entity is hoarding all the booze because they’re too afraid of well-regulated independent businesses distributing it. That’s straight up communist.

Fortunately, today the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania took a huge step forward in evolving their backass booze laws. The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board finally “legalized” the selling of six packs in gas stations. In the past, you had to go to a beer distributor to buy cases. Though a 30-rack is nice to have on hand, not all occasions call for it.

Here’s the press release via the State:

Today, Governor Tom Wolf applauded the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board for “freeing the six-pack” in gas stations by approving nine applications permitting businesses with appropriate protections to sell up to 192 ounces of malt or brewed beverages.

“’Freeing the six-pack’ will make the commonwealth more inviting for customers and businesses,” said Governor Tom Wolf. “I applaud the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board for approving these applications and respectfully ask that they approve similar subsequent applications that otherwise meet PLCB standards in order to improve customer service and convenience for Pennsylvania.”

So you can finally get an MTO at Sheetz and some banger Keystone Light Patriot cans before heading up to Raystown with your boys. It’s about damn time.

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Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: