Old Man Scores Perfect 10 In ‘The Moth’ Story Telling Contest With Hilarious ‘Love Hurts’ Story

Tom Sitter is a 93-year-old grandfather who entered a famous storytelling competition, The Moth, on a whim and told his ‘Love Hurts’ story about his Valentine’s Day back in 1933. Yes, that’s 1933 and not 1993. Tom was able to recall the most minute details about his 5 valentines from 84 years ago like it was yesterday. Tom’s story was so good, that it just became the first story to ever be awarded a ‘perfect 10’ (out of 10) score in The Moth competition held at the Madison StorySLAM.

This all went down back on February 13th, just a day before Valentine’s Day. It’s clear that Tom has been holding onto these thoughts for the past 84 years, laboring over every tiny detail. But unlike dudes who get s

Tom Sitter’s still got it at 93-years-old. He’s funnier now than I’ll ever be, even after I’m 12 beers deep on a Friday night. The world needs more people like Tom.

(H/T TastefullyOffensive)

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at cass@brobible.com