Pilot Draws 50-Kilometer Penis In The Sky And He Wants You To Draw Dicks Too

If I was ever given the opportunity to draw a massive penis in the sky I’d be all over it. At my core, I’m nothing more than a 12-year-old boy laughing at dick and fart jokes. I’d draw this massive sky dong for recreation and be pleased with myself. This is precisely why I’m so impressed with a pilot from New Zealand who drew a 50-kilometer long dick on the radar, and he did it for a great cause, not just adolescent amusement.

Vaughn Davis owns an Auckland-based advertising agency named The Goat Farm, and he recently launched a website to raise awareness for testicular cancer. The purpose of the website, GoBallsOut, is to encourage others around the world to draw massive dicks in nature using one of their downloadable fitness apps. Want to go hiking? Consider drawing a huge dick in the process to raise awareness for testicular cancer. That’s the idea behind this.

In order to draw this big fleshy rocket in the sky to raise testicular cancer awareness, Vaughn Davis had to secure permission from a military base to fly through restricted airspace. But when they found out he was drawing dicks for a great cause they gave him the approval, and this was the end result:

I spent about 30 minutes on top of my usual pre-flight planning identifying a route that would give the desired result,” Vaughn said.
There was no room for mistakes either.
“As my flight was tracked continuously by radar I had to make sure that I kept precisely to the planned track, any deviation would have shown up in the finished image.”
The route went from above Orewa down to Piha, over part of the Tasman Sea and then back in from Muriwai. Via Stuff

People are already drawing dicks all over the world:

Testicular Cancer Awareness


Testicular Cancer Awareness


Just a great story. Drawing dicks for a great cause. This is something I can get behind.

You can check out the GoBallsOut website by following that link to learn how you can get involved by drawing dicks.

(H/T Stuff)

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at cass@brobible.com