Igor Baksht purchased a PlayStation 4 console last Friday at a Denver Walmart as a Christmas present for his 13-year-old niece. The store employee informed him that the Grand Theft Auto V bundle had previously been returned. Baksht purchased the gaming system anyway, took it home and before he wrapped it he checked the contents. That’s when Mr. Baksht (I’m sure awful kids never teased him about shitty last name when he was young) discovered that instead of a PS4 there was a two bags of rocks that were wrapped like a brick of drugs. It would have been a great gag for one of those Jimmy Kimmel skits where he fucks with kids, but probably not a great idea if you paid $400 for rocks.
The store where he purchased his Flintstones edition of the PS4 was already closed when he made his sad discovery, so he went to a 24-hour Walmart and tried to return it there. The store did not accept the box of rocks. I could be wrong, but I believe Walmart’s slogan is, “Always Low Prices (But that’s because it might be a box of rocks).”
On the morning of Saturday, December 20 he attempted to return his heavy PS4 to the original store it was purchased from, but they too would not exchange his PS4. He then called the store multiple times, but each time he was denied. He even called Walmart’s corporate offices. Finally, on Christmas Eve, the store manager called Baksht and informed him that he could get reimbursed for the horrible purchase.
Meanwhile the box of rocks would have connected to the Playstation Network just as well as the PS4 because the online service was not working after the hacker group “Lizard Squad” took down the PSN.
While a box of rocks is pretty bad, it could have been worse. It could have been a box of cocks.
Or a dick in a box.
Or even worse yet, he could have gotten what’s in this box.