Rattlesnakes are, by nature, terrifying snakes. The rattle found at the end of a rattlesnake’s tail is designed to instill fear in predators. That rattle is the snake’s way of telling humans to GTFO of the area.
If you’ve never heard that rattle in person I can tell you that it’s a sound which you IMMEDIATELY recognize. Perhaps its millions of years of evolution that have engrained that sound into our primal instincts. Similar to seeing a wolf in the wild, the hair on the back of your neck stands up and you know that the situation could turn lethal at any moment. I’ve only had close encounters with 4 rattlesnakes in the wild (3 in Florida, 1 in Texas), and each time I’ve walked away pretty fucking spooked.
That’s why this bro, Nick The Wrangler, deserves mad respect for handling this situation the way he did. We don’t see what happened before the camera turned on but we’re led to believe that Nick sat down in the woods to take a break and out of nowhere an Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake, the largest and deadliest rattlesnake on the East Coast, crawled out from under some brush. He tried to distract the snake with pine needles but the rattlesnake then crawled right onto his lap. Somehow, Nick was able to distract the snake enough with pine needles to get it to crawl away and the entire time he kept his cool while knowing that snake could deliver a lethal bite at any moment.
He’s using this video to demonstrate that snakes will not bite humans unless provoked. Much like sharks, snakes are misunderstood. They’re not out there in the wild looking to pick a fight. They want to live and let live (unless you’re a frog or mouse).