This Reporter Was Sexually Assaulted On Live TV While Reporting On Sexual Assaults

Belgian journalist Esmeralda Labye deserves an immediate raise, some PTO, and a fat apology from the three bastardized bum nuggets that thought they’d stimulate a sex act (on a live video feed) on Labyet, while Labye reported on a rampant slew of sexual assaults carried out during a carnival in Germany. The full video’s been taken down from the internet, but things apparently got real bad, real fast, after what you can see in the clip from above.

Labye said, “At first they were just making faces behind me. Then a hand landed on my breast. I was shocked,” said Labye, as she illustrated the heinous incident that took place within the Alter Market district part of town.

“My piece to the camera was chaotic, people showing middle fingers, a man who was having fun miming a sex act behind me and above all the hand placed on my breast.”

Authorities are actively trying to hunt down the three beasts in need of a massive ass whooping, and I’m still over here like, wait what the fuck was the cameraman doing during all this shit? Come on dude. Step up.

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