Do you bros remember Robert Durst? Who am I kidding, of course you do. It’s tough to forget the creepiest man to grace a television screen since Hannibal Lecter. As a refresher, Durst, a heir to a massive real estate fortune, was the subject of the 2015 HBO miniseries “The Jinx.”
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The wildly popular six-part documentary delved into Durst’s connections to the 1982 disappearance of his wife (presumed dead), his best friend who was shot execution-style in 2000, and his former neighbor in Texas who Durst admitted to shooting, chopping up, and tossing in a bay (got off on self-defense, uhh).
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After Durst was caught on hidden camera basically admitting to the crimes in the finale of The Jinx, authorities arrested him in a New Orleans hotel using a fake name and with marijuana, a .38-caliber revolver, and more than $40,000 in cash and a mask, according to court papers.
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A transcript of the March 15, 2015, jailhouse interview that followed was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, accoridng to the LA Times.
In it, Durst claims he was intoxicated during the filming of the HBO series. “I was on meth, I was on meth the whole time … it should have been obvious,” Durst said. “I think the reason I did it had to be because I was swooped, speeding,” he added.
I was surprised at first but then I thought it would be even weirder to voluntarily do internationally broadcasted interviews trying to dance around three murders while you were sober. I gotta click out of this post or else that GIF above is going to haunt my dreams for all eternity. Bye.
[h/t LA Times]