A decade-long tradition of an elementary school’s field trip to visit Santa Claus is no more because a Jewish mother complained that the school was celebrating one religion over others.
“We need to teach about all the holidays,” she told KPIX-TV. “We live in a global society.”
I think the key words here are “elementary school.” These are little kids who believe in Santa Claus and want to sit on his god damn lap and tell him about all the expensive shit they want for Christmas. Really, it’s pretty innocent and harmless.
Thankfully, there are a handful of sane people taking objection to the fact that all it takes is one voice slam the door on the damn whole thing.
“It’s really scary how one can go and voice her opinion and then everything gets shut down,” said parent Vanessa Howes.
With the social media swarm factor firmly in place, things like this seem to be getting addressed quicker and quicker, seemingly in an effort to avoid said swarm and all the media attention that comes with it. But all this does is create more media attention and make this parent look like a complete asshole. Mission, very much accomplished.
The women who voiced the complaint said the decision by the school board to cancel the Santa trip has led to other parents bulling her. Great! So instead of all the kids visiting Santa, their parents will now likely be required to attend a bullying seminar. What a world.
Happy fuckin’ holidays to everyone involved.
[H/T CBS News, SF CBS Local]