SMH: SJWs Are Complaining That St. Patrick’s Day Is A Racist Holiday, Because 2016

It’s 2016, which means social justice warriors love to find the dumbest reasons to be nit picky about holidays. Since today is St. Patrick’s Day, a few SJWs have taken to social media to try telling the world that it’s a racist holiday. Ugh.

SJWs REALLY hate fun and holidays that bring other people joy, so this is no surprise. The most cringe-worthy example comes from Johnny Wagner at the op-ed page of The Concordian, a student-run publication at Concordia College:

St. Patrick’s Day is here, and the spirit of the day is apparent everywhere. Shamrocks and clovers decorate people and walls, while American rivers run green with Irish pride. Similar to the way many non-Mexicans celebrate“CincodeMayo,”most of the people who celebrate St. Patrick’s Day are not Irish. St. Patrick’s Day seems like just a harmless day on which people go to parades and drink lots of beer, but is it actually an example of subtle cultural appropriation?

Everyday Feminism Magazine offers a deeper understanding of cultural appropriation: “a particular power dynamic in which members of a dominant culture take elements from a culture of people who have been systematically oppressed by that dominant group.” Basically, for there to be cultural appropriation, there must be a majority party that is taking important, celebrated aspects of another, more oppressed party. It is impossible for a person from an oppressed culture to practice cultural appropriation because, more times than not, oppressed people have to adopt aspects of the majority culture whether they want to or not. When Irish people first came to the United States, especially after the potato famine, they were oppressed and marginalized by the other people who already lived here. Furthermore, most of the people who celebrate St. Patrick’s Day now do not understand its cultural significance. Thus, St. Patrick’s Day is, in fact, an example of subtle cultural appropriation.

Sigh. So much SMH…. Johnny continues:

Overall, whether one’s cultural appropriation is acceptable or not comes down to one simple question: is somebody from the culture you are appropriating offended by what you are wearing, doing or saying? If the answer is yes, then you are wrong. In this sense, St. Patrick’s Day is a difficult subject. Personally, I’ve not heard of an Irish person being offended by the way Americans celebrate St. Patrick’s Day — but that doesn’t mean every Irish person feels the same way. St. Patrick was known for going to Ireland and converting the entire country to Catholicism, but not everybody wants to thank him for the way Catholicism controls the government and the morality of the people. This is not to say that we shouldn’t celebrate at all, though. The best thing to do today is to be respectful while celebrating Irish culture. Don’t wear Ireland’s flag. Unless you understand who St. Patrick really was and what he really did, don’t mention him at all. And, unless it’s specially made by some secret Irish brewing recipe that distorts the color, don’t drink green beer and say it’s Irish; (the Irish like their amber beer just fine).

OK, got it. I think? I don’t know. Christianity has a pretty messed up history of slaughtering people, but you see the same people exchanging presents on December 25th. So I think Johnny Wagner’s conclusion here is that you’re not racist today for wearing green? I have no idea what he’s trying to say. Honestly, I don’t care either. I’m wearing green.

Meanwhile, people on Twitter are also participating in the “St. Patrick’s Day is racist” thing.

I don’t even know what to say. We’ve just reached such a sad point in social outrage where people want to stomp on a celebration of EVERYTHING and scream “cultural appropriation.”

South Park was right: Safe spaces are killing everything that once made this country great.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: