If you’re Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy then you’re having a pretty crummy day right now after your ruling party (PP, Popular Party) tried to ban all memes from the country of Spain and that shit blew right up in your face.
Naturally, the wonderful meme artists of Spain didn’t take kindly to their Prime Minister’s attempts to quell humor, nor did the protector’s of free speech. All hell broke loose and now the Prime Minister of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, is getting absolutely torched all across social media with people using the hashtag #SinMemesNoHayDemocracia to express their extreme displeasure at his attempt to silence the masses.
Ahora el PP quiere prohibir los memes y considerarlos delito. Rajoy, te pasas #SinMemesNoHayDemocracia pic.twitter.com/OSxvIJQ5Gb
— Código Nuevo (@CodigoNuevo) November 8, 2016
Rajoy quiere que no haya más imágenes como esta, coartar nuestra libertad de expresión. #SinMemesNoHayDemocracia pic.twitter.com/3kQZlOGheu
— cagonros (@cagonros_) November 8, 2016
Con la prohibición de los memes, que pretende el PP, ¿sería ilegal este fotomontaje que me curré hace años? #SinMemesNoHayDemocracia pic.twitter.com/6tgRhiuYUP
— Toño Fraguas (@antoniofraguas) November 8, 2016
#SinMemesNoHayDemocracia No sin mi meme pic.twitter.com/V0pwPjNQW6
— NoAbrasPaz (@noabraspaz) November 8, 2016
Lesson? Don’t try and push around the hive mind. The Internet will never be told what it can and cannot say, especially when it comes to humor.
Unfortunately, if you don’t read in Spanish these might not be super fun for you. I suppose I could translate them for you since I’m bilingual but that would probably be a waste of my time. Instead, I’ll let you use Google Translate if you want. I think you get the point though, this moron’s getting torched for doing some very stupid shit. The Internet doesn’t take kindly to being silenced in any way, shape, or form.
…(h/t Euro Weekly News)…