Holy Shit: Someone Stole 15,000 Bottles Of Jameson Irish Whiskey

Bad, bad news for John Jameson. His worst nightmare of someone stealing his beloved whiskey is now a reality. According to Dublin’s Sunday World, someone allegedly stole 2,500 cases of Jameson Whiskey straight from a warehouse in Dublin. That’s 15,000 bottles of Jameson. They actually pulled off the heist in one of the more ballsy ways we’ve ever heard: By strong-arming the employees with crowbars, then loading up TWO 40-foot tractor trailers and driving off with the loot. That’s some Prohibition-era, Boardwalk Empire-esque shit:

On November 14, two employees were working at the warehouse when two men entered the building armed with iron bars. The armed raiders forced the employees to open the loading bay before three more men entered the premise.

Gardai said the gang then tied the employees up before using two 40-foot trucks to steal a substantial amount of alcohol.

The trucks left Parkwest between 4pm and 4.30pm, and travelled along Killeen Road up to the junction of Nangor Road where they went left towards the Long Mile Road.

Here’s the truck they’re looking for. Just think, that entire trailer is filled with cases and cases and cases of delicious, yummy Jameson:


That’s A LOT of booze. It’s also A LOT of money. Like, if you figure a bottle of Jameson is around $27 x 15,000 = $405,000. The Sunday World says the authorities expect the loot to show up over the holidays, so maybe think twice if you’re in Ireland and someone is trying to sell you cheap bottles of Jameson out of the back of van. Here’s the loot they got away with:

-2,580 Cases of Jameson Whiskey, each case being made up of 6 x bottles (700ml). Each of the cases stolen has one of these three Batch numbers; L428112153, L428312172, L428016141, with each bottle having a corresponding batch number on the rear of the label.
-Cases of Bombay Sapphire Gin, cases of 6 bottles (700ml). No batch number available.
-Cases of Jack Daniels Whiskey, cases of 6 (700ml). No batch number available.

Go get ’em, John Jameson. We all know how you feel about greedy, thieving assholes who steal your whiskey:

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at brandonwenerd.com. Email: brandon@brobible.com