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As a group of Black Lives Matter members are staging an on-going sit in in front of the LA City Hall in an attempt to push the LA Police Commission to terminate Chief Charlie Beck following the deaths black men by police in Louisiana and Minnesota, The Game and Snoop Dogg are standing shoulder to shoulder with Beck to call for peace.
According to SCPR,
Snoop Dogg and The Game staged an impromptu march with about 50 men to LAPD headquarters, coincidentally during the graduation ceremony of the latest class of recruits. The rappers met with Beck and held a joint press conference with Beck and Mayor Eric Garcetti. Beck introduced their comments, calling it a press conference unlike any other.
“This is a day of change,” said The Game. “Respect it, understand it, love it, embrace yourself with positivity.”
“Our whole mission is to move in peace and to show that L.A. can be unified,” Snoop Dogg said at the news conference.
The two rappers then issued an invitation for gang members to attend a unity conference on Sunday.
Boy is it a breath of fresh air to see public figures do their part in being part of the solution, rather than throwing fuel on the problem. Gotta respect it.
[h/t TMZ]