An elementary school math quiz is making the internet rounds today because a teacher decided to be a world-class dick.
The quiz shows two rudimental math problems that the test-taker answered correctly and showed adequate work to reach his conclusion.
The first question asks the student to use repeated addition to solve 5×3 = 15. I cheated my way through most of my math classes but after checking with a co-worker, we’ve come to the conclusion that both (5+5+5 = 15 and 3+3+3+3+3 = 15). But apparently only the latter is correct, idk, man, idk. The teacher marked -1 for the student’s answer of 5+5+5 = 15.
The second question (4×6 = 24) is marked incorrectly using the same thinking, instead of drawing six rows of four tally marks, the teacher deducted a point for not drawing four rows of six tally marks. THERE’S MORE THAN ONE WAY TO SKIN A CAT, MR. DICKFACE.
According to Business Insider, we’re all stupid:
Use the repeated-addition strategy to solve 5×3.
If you answer the question with 5+5+5=15, you would be wrong.
The correct answer is 3+3+3+3+3.
Mathematically, both are correct. But under Common Core, you’re supposed to read 5×3 as “five groups of three.” So “three groups of five” is wrong.
According to Common Core defenders, this method will be useful when students do more advanced math. This way of reading things, for instance, can be used when students learn matrices in multivariable calculus in high school.
Common core. What a bitch. No wonder why the U.S. scores an unimpressive 35th out of 64 countries in math (behind Latvia. LATVIA)–we’ve all been lied to.
What are you going to tell me next–Santa Clause doesn’t exist???
Aww fuck.
[h/t Daily Mail]