Kenny Ollerenshaw, a trucker from England, got a weirdly brilliant tattoo of a tiny driver steering his own body, a fitting tattoo for a trucker. The father-of-one said the tattoo is “interactive” because it moves with him and truly appears like a mini-him is driving him around. The imaginative tattoo took four hours to complete and was excited to show his son his new ink. “He thought it was cool but I wasn’t expecting it to go viral, it’s all gone a bit mad and my son has told my mum that I’m famous,” Kenny said. “I keep looking at it in the mirror and thinking it’s just crazy. You should see what happens when I tense my pecs.” How many times will Kenny get slapped when he asks women, “Do you want to see lil Kenny?”
“My family are all on board with it,” Ollerenshaw said. “The way I look at it is if people don’t like it then they don’t have to wear it.” However, one would believe that his ink will drive himself crazy.
But did it hurt you ask? Kenny said it was painful and blamed a lack of adrenaline because it took so long. “When Kenny came in he was up for having this done as a chest piece. The result is just the start. There’s a long way to go,” tattooist Richard Batey said. “It has 1.1 million views and 2 million likes on Facebook – and it isn’t even finished yet.”
Somebody is going to fuck this guy with that tattoo. I wonder if he keeps his shirt on when he meets a new lady or rolls the dice that a woman isn’t repulsed by this bizarre tattoo.
This dude is watching too much “Men in Black.”

Men In Black
Or loves himself some Krang from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
“It’s got the ability to make an entire room of people smile and laugh and get them talking,” Kenny said. You got that right Kenny.