And it’s huge news for the 310 million monthly users of the social media giant…
Reports indicate that Twitter is set to eliminate pictures, videos, and links when it comes to the 140 character limit. I.e. you’ll now be able to say everything you want without worrying about if there’s enough space left for the “It’s Dat Boi” meme you want to share…or anything else, for that matter.
Bloomberg reports on the news coming from a source close to the company, and it’s safe to say if the reported change takes affect, people will likely be very happy about it.
Twitter Inc. will soon stop counting photos and links in their 140-character limit for tweets, according to a person familiar with the matter.
The change could happen in the next two weeks, said the person who asked not to be named because the decision isn’t yet public. Links currently take up 23 characters, even after Twitter automatically shortens them. The company declined to comment.
This change comes on the heels of Twitter announcing they were exploring upwards of a 10,000 character limit, and the massive public backlash that followed in the wake of the announcement.
Abandoning the character count for pics, vids, and links sounds totally logical. Still 140 characters, but with the ability to share whatever media you please, without clogging up other people’s timelines.
Sounds like a win/win.
[h/t Bloomberg Technology]