My New Goal In Life Is To Party At A Private Benihana With Aziz Ansari And Tyrese Gibson

Fun fact: R&B singer and former MTV VJ Tyrese Gibson built a “private” Benihana in the backyard of his Los Angeles home. He calls it GibsiHana and even has a public Facebook page for it:

Earlier this week, comedian Aziz Ansari hung out with Tyrese and a squad of other celebrity Bros at GibsiHana. Based on Aziz’s Instagram posts, it looks like the most night ever. Here’s his description of the night:

A few years ago, my brother notified myself and @thelonelyisland that @tyrese had built a private Benihana restaurant at his home. Last night, @tyrese made our dreams come true and we celebrated @thecarolinagentleman’s birthday at the one and only – GIBSIHANA!!!! TO BE CLEAR – THIS IS NOT A BENIHANA. THIS IS A RESTAURANT IN @TYRESE’S BACKYARD. IT IS AMAZING.

There was an Ace Hood sing-a-long:

And food games:

All in all, LIT AF.

Having a private Benihana in your backyard to party with your friends in is real #squadgoals. Tyrese is quite the entertainer, t0o:

Is GibsiHana taking reservations for Valentine’s Day yet? Because I’m pretty sure that’d be the ultimate date. Hell, just going alone would be life-changing.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: