This Unofficial Night Roadblock On I-78 In New Jersey Is CREEPY AS HELL

You know what’s terrifying? When things come lurking out of the darkness while you’re driving. For example: Deer! Fuck deer. I grew up in the woods and have probably had no less than 10 harrowing experiences with them running out of nowhere. That’s not the case in this video along I-78 in New Jersey, right before the NJ Turnpike. Driver Ivan Tukhtin came across two cones set up in the middle of the four-lane highway late at night, clearly intended to stop traffic in his direction. He asks the guy what he’s doing. When he approaches his window, doesn’t really give a clear answer, and  allegedly reaches for his pocket, Ivan guns it. It’s creepy as fuck:

Dash cam footage, roadblock in the middle of a highway (78 west before the turnpike) late at night.

no lights or hazards. both lanes blocked off. Suspicious for sure, scary to think what could have happened.

dash cam is a G1W, for those of you asking what is being recorded with.

before people jump to conclusions, no i will not run a person over, there was no immediate danger. i asked him what he was doing to lead him away from the front of the car, as soon as he acted suspicious i left. for those of you who would run over the cones, i hope you are okay with paying for the damage it would cost to a lowered sports car traveling 40+ mph.

Why didn’t he have his hazards on? Who cruises around with giant parking cones like that? Who is the guy? I’m not 100% sure this is even real. Personally, I’ve driven around that exact area many times and have no idea how there isn’t more traffic. I always thought 78 was four lanes each direction for like 10 miles in each direction of the Turnpike, unless this is in the express/local lane division area or the whole way down towards Pennsylvania. The I-78/NJ Turnpike junction isn’t that far from Newark Airport and The Oranges, after all.

Scary. Like, something out of a horror movie scary. Can anyone explain what’s happening here? We’d welcome your feedback in the comments.

UPDATE: Apparently this happened on the desolate Newark Bay Extension of I-78, according to a local news report I just watched on WBC. Two men have been arrested in this case, according to police who talked to WABC. One for a DWI, the other for interfering with an investigation. It’s TBD  what their intentions with the roadblock were. Kind of makes you wonder, huh?

[H/T: Gawker]

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: