Petition To Rename The USS Harvey Milk To ‘USS Harambe’ Because He’s Gone But Not Forgotten

The world just hasn’t been the same since Harambe the Gorilla’s life was tragically ended at the Cincinnati Zoo. We all wake up each morning with heavy hearts, knowing that the death of that blessed gorilla looms over all of us. And I’m sure you all know by now that the ‘Dicks Out For Harambe’ memes have been absolutely DOMINATING the meme culture for the past month, case in point:

But what we are here to discuss today goes one step further than the sharing of memes, this is a legit petition on the White House’s official website to rename the USS Harvey Milk to the USS Harambe. It’s already got a ton signatures and the petition is gaining steam by the minute:

While there is no doubt that Harvey Milk died in the service of his country, his contribution to American history pales in comparison to the Silverback magnificence that was Harambe. Harambe who gave his life in a volley of friendly fire. Harambe.
It also offers a strategic advantage: the name Harambe — even whispered — will demand respect, obeisance, and awe. A USS Harambe will strike fear in the hearts of our enemies in a way that the name “Milk” never could. USS Harambe will remind the world that America never forgets its heroes.
USS Harambe, this who we are.

For more on this story let’s head on over to

We at Breitbart have had our #DicksOutForHarambe from day one. The speciesist establishment of the Cincinnati zoo may have decided that the life of a peaceful and harmless gorilla such as Harambe must be forfeited in order to appease the negligent parents of a disobedient and clumsy child, but we know better.
Even Republican nominee Donald Trump has spoken out in sympathy with Harambe. “I think it’s a very tough call. It’s amazing because there were moments with the gorilla the way he held that child it was almost like a mother holding a baby,” said Trump. “It looked so beautiful and calm.”
However, there remain a select few who have yet to be converted to Harambism. In fact, Breitbart’s own resident gay thot Milo Yiannopoulos has previously said he was “GLAD HARAMBE IS DEAD.” It is the opinion of the authors that this blasphemous statement is the real reason Milo was banned from Twitter.

I’m not here to tell anyone to sign a petition because that’s just now how I roll, but if you’re mourning the loss of Harambe as much as I am then you might want to consider putting your signature to that petition….you can sign it HERE if you’re interested.

(h/t Breitbart)

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at