We’ve seen Fight Club style brawls at a prison in New Zealand recorded on smuggled phones, and now there is a leaked video coming from the U.K. of inmates violently beating each other up.
The video that was originally uploaded to Facebook features boxing matches between prisoners. The videos were recorded on a smart phone and show inmates using drugs. A prisoner was seen rapping over music while another naked inmate dances around talking about getting his “fix” of Spice, a synthetic cannabinoid. Suddenly, prison doesn’t seem so abominable.
But guess what? Smart phones are prohibited in prison. So is uploading videos to Facebook. So is drugs. Consequently, this behavior and contraband are frowned upon by prison officials.
Steve Gillan, General Secretary of the Prison Officers Association, said he was “sickened” by the videos. “These videos are extremely disturbing and highlight the urgent need for Justice Secretary Michael Gove to take action.”
C’mon Steve, allow these guys let their hair down and have some shenanigans. Some videos showing merriment, some Spice, some fighting isn’t really going to hurt anybody.
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