I think we can all agree that stoned sex is the best sex. Marijuana has been used as an aphrodisiac for thousands of years. Ancient Indian medicine systems used cannibis to increase libido, produce long-lasting boners, and delay ejaculation.
But isn’t investing weed through your lungs, down through your stomach, and into your meat popsicle a DRAG?? Why not apply it straight to your girl’s hoo ha? WELP, now you can.
Foria cannibas lube is a sex lube made “all natural liquid coconut oil (MCT) and purified pharmaceutical-grade cannabis oil,” according to its website. You spray a few squirts of the lube on your lover’s clitoris and labia and she’ll immediately forget what a shitty lover you were previously.
Via the website:
Some women have experienced feelings of enhanced warmth, increased blood flow, tingling, and relaxation. Others have found it easier to reach orgasm or to have multiple orgasms, or that their climaxes are longer and/or more intense. For other women it has helped with relaxation and sleeping.
A writer at Styleite named Ashley Hoffman tested it out for herself and had raving reviews.
“As soon as the licking started, it hit me. There are the drugs. It was an all-over buzzy tingly feeling that spreads the pleasure much further than wherever you’re being directly stimulated. It pulsated like there was a delicate vibrator inside of me, but better. Cloudier. I hadn’t felt anything like it before, and I’ve had my share of sex after some hits from a J.”
Although the product is intended for women, bros can use it on their shafts too but with lessened effects.
Even if it’s just for the boo, a happy wife equals a happy life.
[h/t Complex]