A Wendy’s Restaurant In Texas Is Having A Sign War With A Neighboring Tea Company And The Insults Are Personal

Wendy’s knows a thing or two about beef wars. As a rule of thumb, Wendy’s almost never backs down from a beef on social media, firing shots at everyone from McDonald’s to Burger King to random trolls who have been burned so hard they’ve had to ghost themselves from the Internet out of embarrassment. A couple months ago they forced Hardee’s to block their account, easily making them the king of the fast food social media game. And, hey — if your ambitions are lofty enough, sometimes they’ll reward you with a year’s worth of free nuggets.

Offline, in the real world, the fast food chain isn’t afraid of some smacktalk either. Case in point, the highly amusing #4thStreetSignWar in Lubbock, Texas. Currently a local Wendy’s franchise is beefing with a neighboring drink store called the Pure Water Tea and Ice Company. The whole thing was provoked by the tea company, which fired the first shot a few weeks ago. The two are still going round-for-round. via KBCD:

Kyler says he’s been trying to provoke his food-chain neighbor with clever signs for a while now, and Wendy’s finally took the bait when Pure Water went for the big dogs. “We had Kliff Kingsbury drinks for free out on the sign.”

“The owner he’s like say, Santos man, they’re standing out. You’re clever, you’re witty, I know you can come up with something,” said Santos Perez, General Manager of the Wendy’s.

“They kept telling us corporate wouldn’t let them do anything, so I guess corporate is firing back,” said Smith.

“So, I went ahead & just replied ‘Hey Kliff, hungry and thirsty? We got you.’ and they didn’t like it,” said Perez.

And the sign war was born.

“So we were like, you want beef, Wendy’s? You got it,” said Smith.

“I didn’t expect them to react the way they did, and then when they did I was like, you know what? It’s on,” said Perez.

Each sign, carefully crafted.

“Group meeting, we’ll come up with something,” said Smith.”

No words exchanged, only letters.

“We haven’t talked at all, just through the signs,” said Perez.

Considering that Pure Water is now punching down with ginger jokes, I hope this beef war never ends. It’s way more entertaining than a Twitter feud.


Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at brandonwenerd.com. Email: brandon@brobible.com