‘Why Hasn’t BroBible Posted About the Nude Celebrity Leaks Scandal A.K.A. The Fappening?’

It’s impossible to ignore the biggest news of Labor Day weekend: A scumbag with a pretty deplorable moral compass leaked nude and otherwise compromising private pictures of dozens of celebrities, including nude pics of Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton. Perhaps you noticed that we didn’t post anything about the leaks also known as “The Fappening” here on BroBible. Perhaps you’re wondering why we haven’t bothered to bring such news to your attention. A lot of people have inquired “why” via Twitter or Facebook. Allow me to explain:

1. The person who committed such a leak is not a hero; the person is a douchebag criminal who deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for stealing private pics off these women’s phones. As badly as many Bros may want to see these celebrity women nude, it’s impossible to ignore the criminal sleaziness of the whole thing. There’s a big difference between a (A. a woman taking a nude photo and consenting to the public at large gawking over it by uploading it to Twitter/Instagram/Reddit/a magazine/etc et and (B. a woman taking a nude photo and sharing it privately with a lover/friend with a reasonable, intimate expectation of privacy VS. (C. a women taking a nude photo then having it “leak” to the world without her consent via criminal hacking. See, that’s the key word here: Consent. None of these wonderful women — many of whom we’re quite fond of here at BroBible — asked for such a thing, which is a huge problem. How these photos were obtained — via a hole in Apple’s security or whatever — is still TBD, but we can all agree that doesn’t make such a massive violation of privacy any less wrong.

Imagine how you’d react if this happened to your sister. Bros aren’t douchebags, nor do we condone douchebag behavior. There will be more on this subject in the coming days, which we’ll surely be posting about. In closing, I’ll just throw these three tweets here. Feel free to discuss the subject in our brand spanking new comments section.





2. Perhaps you noticed things are a little different around here at BroBible. While the rest of you were enjoying the first weekend of college football or the last trip to the beach, this weekend our developers were busy hustling their butts off to make BroBible look fresh and awesome. We’re pretty stoked about our slick new site refresh.. J.Camm will have a big post on that tomorrow.

3. Because of #2, our entire editorial team was busy enjoying our offline lives this Labor Day Weekend, doing things that are fun. We were watching college football and laughing with friends and slamming beers because that’s just what Bros do on LDW. It is one of every Bro’s favorite holidays after 4th of July and St. Patrick’s Day, right?


Anyway, like I said, we’ll have more reactions and news about the leak this week, as things develop, as it most certainly will.


Jennifer Lawerence pic via Shutterstock

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at brandonwenerd.com. Email: brandon@brobible.com