An INCREDIBLE photo of Will Smith morphing into Uncle Phil has got me like…
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Smith is in vacation in Africa and did a bungee-jump off Zimbabwe’s Victoria Falls last week.
“This is going to be a cool shot,” Smith says in the video.
Smith was unaware of just how cool of a shot it would be. A Redditor found that during the jump Smith transforms into Uncle Phil.
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The magical transformation occurs at the 1:21 mark of the video.
The Fresh Prince looks exactly like James Avery, the actor who played Uncle Phil in the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
Fun fact: Will Smith is now older than Avery was when the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air first debuted. Smith is 48-years-old now (Where did the time go?) and Avery was 45-years-old when the first episode aired on September 10, 1990.
Avery passed away on December 31, 2013 at age 68.
Redditor michaelballston wisely pointed out, “You either die as a fresh prince or you live long enough to become Uncle Phil.”