Woman Gets Arrested For Pepper Spraying Husband After Lethal Fart Assault In Bed

A fiery Port St. Lucie woman got so fed up with her husband’s incessant farting in bed that she elbowed him and demanded he sleep elsewhere because the noxious onslaught seemingly had no end in sight. But being the kind, loving wife she is, the farting victim allowed her husband back into bed, and that’s where things got ugly. Amazingly, this brave man decided to double down and continue to fire air out of his Uzi of an ass until his wife began elbowing and kicking him once again.

Police said she also pepper sprayed him to keep him out of the bathroom? I thought the goal was to keep him out of bed? Whatever. The last thing I’m going to do is offer any attempt to make sense of this barbaric fart brawl. That’s what this video is here for:


The woman, Dawn Meikle, was arrested for domestic battery and taken to St. Lucie County jail.

The lesson here? A peppering of farts sometimes leads to an actual pepper spraying, because that’s just how life works. And really, key life lessons birthed through stories like this are why they’re so critically important to share with the world.


Writer, Editor, Comedian, and Fashion Critic. Currently in heated negotiations over the rights to Jack Sikma's striking perm and a mold of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's glorious goggles.