I see you were brave enough to click on this article despite the warning. This headline wasn’t exaggerating, you’re about to see some truly creepy-crawly, from another planet that’s in another universe type shit. There’s still time to click out of this article and save your soul from experiencing this paralyzingly terrifying image that might make you puke.
Do you want to throw up in your mouth?
Because looking at this image will make you throw up in your mouth.
You will not be able to ever unsee this.
CAUTION: Pure Nightmare Fuel Ahead
This is your last chance.
Leave now.
You’ve been warned.
Alrighty then.
Did that worm just jizz all over that dude’s hand!?!?
Apparently this is a Nemertea, also known as “ribbon worms” or “proboscis worms.” I’ll let Wikipedia give a more scientific description than my worm cum explanation:
The foregut, stomach and intestine run a little below the midline of the body, the anus is at the tip of the tail, and the mouth is under the front. A little above the gut is the rhynchocoel, a cavity which mostly runs above the midline and ends a little short of the rear of the body. All species have a proboscis which lies in the rhynchocoel when inactive but everts (turns inside-out) to emerge just above the mouth and capture the animal’s prey with venom. A very stretchy muscle in the back of the rhynchocoel pulls the proboscis in when an attack ends. A few species with stubby bodies filter feed and have suckers at the front and back ends, with which they attach to a host.
See you learned something today about a creature that you had never heard or luckily seen before. Nature is mysterious and beautiful. Now, let’s kill it with fire so we never, ever have to see it again.