Choosing a college is one of life’s most important decisions. No, I am not talking about well the school fares academically. I am talking about whether or not there will be enough quality people to make sure you’re social life doesn’t suck. You can get a quality education a lot of places, but being bored out of your mind for four years? Hard pass.
Thankfully, here in the 21st century, there are things like dating apps that make the life of a college student much easier. Now you don’t even have to get dressed, or hell, even leave your bed to score a date.
Just pick up your phone, click on one of the many dating apps like The League, who actually screens their users to make sure they don’t suck unlike some other *cough* apps, and boom, your Friday night plans just got a whole lot better!
Speaking of The League and college… they recently did a little number-crunching and came up with the 50 colleges with the most desirable people, AKA the most right-swiped, in America.
Here’s how they did it, according to The Tab…
The League’s data team looked at all their American users, examining the overall alumni popularity from each school, how passionate alumni were about using the app and the average quality and frequency of meaningful conversation online.
Got it? Good.
Now here are the rankings. See if your school made the cut.
1. Texas [Austin]
2. USC
3. Harvard Business School
4. University of Arizona
5. Harvard
6. University of Florida
7. SMU
8. Stanford
9. Wharton
10. Georgetown
11. Miami
12. Princeton
13. University of Washington
14. Texas A&M
15. Duke
16. UCLA
17. Arizona State
18. Florida State
19. Illinois [Urbana-Champaign]
20. Georgia
21. Michigan
22. Columbia Business School
23. Northwestern
24. Chicago Booth School of Business
25. UC-Berkeley
26. Penn
27. NYU
28. USC Marshall School of Business
29. Yale
30. Indiana [Bloomington]
31. Emory
32. Virginia
33. MIT
34. Vanderbilt
35. North Carolina
36. UC-Santa Barbara
37. Cornell
38. Michigan State
39. Wisconsin [Madison]
40. Penn State
41. Ohio State
42. Brown
43. Georgia Tech
44. Notre Dame
45. Columbia
46. Carnegie Mellon
47. Maryland
48. George Washington
49. Colorado [Boulder]
50. Boston University
Well, hook ’em Horns, I reckon…alright, alright…