Ranking The 15 Best (And Worst) Fast Food French Fries

Most people who eat at a fast food restaurant aren’t going there just for the french fries, but if you’re going to take the plunge in the first place, you might as well add the signature side to your order.

french fries in deep fryer


If you get a meal at a fast food restaurant with fries on the menu and decline to order them with your meal, you’re missing out on one of the most essential aspects of that particular experience.

There’s no shortage of options when it comes to fast food french fries, and as someone who’s had plenty of them over the years, I decided to sit down and try to rank them.

I did what I could to account for the most popular chains, and I’m judging the fries on their own merits as opposed to accounting for potential accouterments like chili, cheese, and condiments or dipping sauces.

Without further ado…

15. Nathan's

Nathan's Famous on Coney Island

Joe Rondone/The Republic / USA TODAY NETWORK

Nathan’s isn’t the biggest fast food chain compared to the rest of the ones on this list, but I feel obligated to include them when you consider they immediately sprang to mind when I started thinking about the worst fries on the market.

Now, you’d be hard-pressed to find any chain that packs more potato into a single french fry. However, the end product ends up being noticeably flaccid, and “crispy” is one of the last words I’d use to describe them.

Are they pretty good when they’re covered in cheese sauce? Yes, but you could say the same about basically anything.

14. In-N-Out


In-N-Out ended up near the top of the list when it came to ranking the best fast food burgers, but the fries are a very different story.

Every batch of fries at In-N-Out is fresh cut with each order, which may sound like a nice idea until you realize that method is inherently going to produce an inferior product compared to a batch that’s been soaked in water for a bit to remove the starch that inhibits crispiness.

You can improve them a bit by harnessing the secret menu to order them “well done,” and while there’s no doubt getting them “Animal Style” is a big upgrade, the standalone fries just aren’t it.

13. Popeyes

Popeyes sign

Andy Fillmore/For the Star-Banner | USA TODAY NETWORK / USA TODAY NETWORK via Imagn Images

If you go to Popeyes and order fries over rice and beans, you’re doing something very, very wrong, Of course, you’re allowed to get both, but you’re probably going to be a little let down by these.

The Cajun Fries at Popeyes always leave me wanting more in the heat department (especially when compared to another spot with a Cajun offering that’s higher on this list), and they tend to be light and airy to a point where I feel like I’m somehow being robbed of potato.

12. Burger King

Burger King sign

Deb Cram / USA TODAY NETWORK via Imagn Images

Burger King fries are perfectly fine, but it’s hard to get to the top of the list when you meet that description based on the stiff competition they’re facing.

I feel like most people would tell you the best part of ordering fries from BK is getting an unexpected onion ring, which really tells you all you need to know about them.

11. Steak n Shake

Steak 'n Shake sign

Lici Beveridge/Hattiesburg American, Hattiesburg American via Imagn Content Services, LLC

Before I get into this, I should acknowledge I haven’t had the chance to try the fries at Steak n Shake since they switched from soybean oil to beef tallow earlier this month.

However, I have a hard time imagining it will have a huge impact when you consider the fries in question are purposefully on the thinner side—a conscious choice that does make them a bit unique but doesn’t really set them apart when it comes to the eating experience.

10. Whataburger

Whataburger sign

Ken Ruinard / staff / USA TODAY NETWORK

I’ve encountered some conspiracy theorists who believe Whataburger sources its fries from the same company that supplies them to McDonald’s (which I’ll be getting to in a bit). I can’t find any evidence to support that claim, although I can understand where it’s coming from given the similarities.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and while Whataburger fries can hold their own, they’re still exactly that: an imitation that can’t hold its own against a competitor that still has an edge.

9. KFC

KFC sign

Bob Montgomery via Imagn Content Services, LLC

I still haven’t forgiven KFC for discontinuing its beloved potato wedges in favor of a more traditional offering, but I’m not going to let that grudge factor into my quest to judge the replacement as objectively as possible.

I was skeptical the new kids on the block would be able to match their predecessor, but I have to give KFC credit where credit is due for whipping up a more than adequate successor.

8. Shake Shack

Shake Shack sign

William Westhoven, Morristown Daily Record via Imagn Content Services, LLC

Crinkle-cut fries are both a fairly uncommon item in the fast food world and a style that’s seemingly difficult to perfect based on how many times I’ve been underwhelmed when I order them at any kind of restaurant.

However, Shake Shack has probably managed to do the best out of any crinkle-cut proprietor I’ve encountered; I’ll usually get them with cheese if I’m going to take the plunge, but they’ve got a good crisp and solid helping of potato.

7. Five Guys

Five Guys restaurant interior

Joseph Cress/Iowa City Press-Citizen, Iowa City Press-Citizen via Imagn Content Services, LLC

You obviously can’t talk about Five Guys fries without discussing the portion sizes, and while that’s certainly a nice bonus, the spuds themselves are also pretty great.

They may be on the greasy side, but it’s somehow the perfect amount, and there’s just enough crispiness to complement the fluffy potato that awaits you when you take a bite.

I’m also judging Five Guys on their standard offering, although the Cajun option is certainly a plus.

6. Taco Bell

Taco Bell sign

Lauren Jennings/Visalia Times-Delta/USA TODAY NETWORK / USA TODAY NETWORK

“Fries” are one of the last items people associate with Taco Bell, but you’d be foolish to overlook the Nacho Fries that initially appeared on the menu in 2018 for a limited time and have since been in regular rotation despite failing to earn permanent status.

While I feel like I should include the cheese sauce in the evaluation given the nature of the offering in question, the fries themselves still stand on their own thanks to the Mexican seasoning that gives them a great kick.

5. Wendy's

Wendy's sign

Matthew Dae Smith/Lansing State Journal / USA TODAY NETWORK via Imagn Images

Wendy’s is firmly sitting in second place when it comes to the french fries offered up by The Big 3 that consists of the chain, Burger King, and McDonald’s.

Keeping the skin on is a nice touch, and the fries have a nice crispiness, plenty of salt, and the structural integrity needed to survive getting dipped into a Frosty.

4. Arby's

Arby's sign

Nikos Frazier / Journal & Courier via Imagn Content Services, LLC

Arby’s does offer two kinds of fries, but it should go without saying they earned this spot thanks to the curly variety (anyone who voluntarily orders the crinkle cut should be put on a list).

Curly fries would definitely be near the top of my french fry style power rankings (second only to the type boasted by the competitor we’ll get to in a second), and Arby’s has mastered the art of making them with the lightly seasoned bits of goodness they serve up.

3. Chick-fil-A

Erin Woodiel / Argus Leader / USA TODAY NETWORK

This is the only chain on this list that specializes in waffle fries, which are arguably the best form of french fry in existence courtesy of a surface that’s engineered to maximize crunch.

Chick-fil-A would probably be even higher if I was taking the many sauces you can order with their fries into consideration, but it still earns the bronze medal without them.

2. McDonald's

McDonald's sign


Plenty of people would tell you McDonald’s is responsible for the Platonic ideal of fast food french fries, and I can’t necessarily disagree despite putting them second on the list.

It’s hard to top a perfect batch of piping hot Mickey D’s fries, and my only real knock is the fact you need to eat all of them in around 10 minutes before they turn into sad shells of their former selves.

1. Checkers/Rally's

Teresa Stepzinski/Florida Times-Union / USA TODAY NETWORK via Imagn Images

I know plenty of people will take issue with my decision to not put McDonald’s at the top of this list, but I can’t in good conscience withhold it from what I firmly consider the G.O.A.T.: Checkers (or Rally’s, which have functionally been the same restaurant since the two brands merged in 1999).

The texture and seasoning of these fries is virtually unrivaled, and it’s more than enough to earn the gold medal over The Golden Arches.

Connor Toole avatar and headshot for BroBible
Connor Toole is the Deputy Editor at BroBible and a Boston College graduate currently based in New England. He has spent close to 15 years working for multiple online outlets covering sports, pop culture, weird news, men's lifestyle, and food and drink.