We’ve officially reached that turning point in the year when HUGE Blue Marlin begin to show up across the Atlantic Ocean. This past weekend angler Heiko Steinmetz landed what is now the 13th largest Blue Marlin EVER weighed, tipping the scales at an astounding 1,234-pounds.
Remarkably, this wasn’t the first ‘grander’ (marlin weighing over 1,000 pounds) for angler Heiko Steinmetz. This was the THIRD time he has landed a blue marlin weighing over 1,000 pounds, but this was his largest fish to date and the 13th largest EVER caught in the Atlantic. This marlin is the 4th ‘grander’ caught in 2016, and it took a herculean effort to get this fish into the boat as the angler and crew were forced to fight this fish without the use of the boat’s motors for much of the 2.5-hour-long fight because the boat died.
Here are some photos of this remarkable catch (via GranderWatch):
Cape Verdes is a HUGE hot spot for grander blue marlin at this time of the year, and consistently pulls in 500+ pound marlin year-round if you’re looking for that next great fishing destination. This 1,234-pound blue marlin also means that A LOT of locals just got fed for weeks (if not months). Eating blue marlin is often taboo and frowned upon here in the continental United States, but over in Hawaii and down in Central America it’s considered a delectable fish. One I had to rank pretty highly on my definitive list of the 25 Best Tasting Fish in the World
Angler Heiko Steinmetz caught this 1,234-pound blue marlin aboard the Black Marlin boat in Cape Verdes. To catch up on the other ‘granders‘ caught this year you can For more on this remarkable catch you can head on over to GranderWatch.com.